We are using Raz-Kids for guided reading. It is great because it works on the iPads and collects data on the students. I love how they are always adding new books. It also has interesting informational text. It is an effective way to use money to keep book rooms updated. I also like how students can revisit books.
In addition, I love not having to worry about collecting books and help replacing lost books. I can spend time planning my groups at home. I also don't have to worry about not having enough books either. It has been a great tool for me as a teacher. I decided that I need to organize my lessons that connect the books, vocabulary, high frequency words and strategy in a way that was organized for the students. I decided to create Google presentations for each group. I have included some examples below. I present my to my groups by either using my projector or using my iPad that is connected to on old computer monitor. This way the students can see the information and interact with the lesson before they do the reading. It has really been working for us this year.
Thanks for reading!
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